During the wake of the war between the Kingdom of Aceh against the Netherlands (1873-1942), was born a healthy and beautiful baby. This baby was born on June 25, 1890 in the village of Pulo Iboh, on the outskirts of Matang Glumpang Two.

Teuku Tjhik Sjamaun. His first wife, Salbiah Potjut Nanggroe Peusangan native, gave birth to two children. Her first child a daughter named Zahara Potjut, her beauty Peusangan people gave him the nickname Potjut Buluen. The second child a son named Ali Alamsjah Teuku. People nanggroe Peusangan menggelari Teuku Ali Alamsjah as Warlord (Ampon Prang), as he also led the Nanggroe Peusangan in the battle against the Dutch army.
Wife Teuku Tjhik Sjamaun, Potjut Unggaih, gave birth to 3 children. They consist of two sons and a daughter. The first child of Princess Teuku Tjhik Sjamaun uleebalang Meureudu is Potjut Sjaribanun, a daughter. People Nanggroe Peusangan call Potjut Sjaribanun with Potjut Putroue pet name, because of his exalted in the everyday life of the people. The second child was a son, Teuku Djohan Alamsjah Muhammad, a young man who would appear to be "leading uleebalang" in Aceh. And the third is also a son, Teuku Bustaman.
Pulo Iboh, place of birth and place Teuku Djohan Alamsjah Muhammad grew up, is also the official residence uleebalang Peusangan. Pulo Iboh also called kuta uleebalang (palace) Nanggroe Peusangan. Iboh village also holds the key to the history of the social revolution Aceh in 1945-1946.
Regarding Iboh no other story. From this village Tengku Amir's parents comes Husin Al Mujahid. When the war in Aceh to the Netherlands at the height north shore of Aceh, Mujahid al Husin parent families fled to Nanggroe Idi, who had been a friend of the Dutch empire long before the Aceh-Dutch War began. The Acehnese given the glorious title to Amir Husin al Mujahid, Napoleon Bonaparte Aceh, because success and undermine Aceh uleebalang slaughter all within a few days. Even without ever fighting, Elementary school teacher at Idi madrassa - East Aceh, Aceh can outwit Resident / Gen. Maj. TKR / Army Teuku Njak Arief and led to the detention camp in Takengon. Napoleon Bonaparte Aceh lasykarnya TPR (military struggle of the people) with a ferocious slaughter all uleebalang Aceh and its followers.
Then Amir al Husin Mujahid himself appointed Major General, strangely when he held the rank of Major General of the army vanished with the smoke of the social revolution of Aceh. His fellow philosophers call PUSA people of Aceh. Tengku Amir success displacing Teuku Njak Arief, Resident State the authorities of the newly independent Republic of Indonesia in Aceh, delivering a teacher at Madrasa Jamiatul Diniah Abadiyah Blang-Sigli Paseh named Tengku Muhammad Daud Beureueh to the throne of Aceh's new dictator.
Shaking hands on hips, with his left hand he accuses prominent Teuku Tjhik Daudsjah-Acting Resident Aceh. Idi uleebalang the chameleon was ordered to remove the stall owners Pidie drug named, Teuku Muhammad Amin, a Resident Assistant for Political Aceh. Fascinated by the ruthlessness PUSA, in an instant Teuku Tjhik Peusangan that during this "glorified people", became the target catch Teuku Muhammad Amin in March 1946.
He shared Mother
Funeral uleebalang patriotic received a magnificent tribute of troops and loyal followers. Unfortunately this historic tomb later removed. After a peaceful Peusangan circumstances, the bodies buried Teuku Tjhik Sjamaun in back in Matang Glumpang Two, by his son Muhammad Tjhik Teuku Djohan Alamsjah.
When Teuku Tjhik Sjamaun being rugged jungle Peusangan, Sultan Mohammed Tuwanku Daudsjah visit to Matang Glumpang Two, the capital of Nanggroe Peusangan. Sultan was intended to reaffirm Teuku Tjhik Sjamaun as uleebalang Peusangan with his position Teuku Keujruen.
Sultan waited Teuku Tjhik Sjamaun few days in Matang Glumpang Two, but uleebalang Peusangan it never arrived. A messenger Teuku Tjhik Sjamaun preach to the Sultan of Aceh, that uleebalang was sick in the middle of the jungle in the headwaters Peusangan. Without wasting time, instead Sultan confirmed his son, Muhammad Teuku Djohan Alamsjah as uleebalang Nanggroe Peusangan. The appointment was published in the official decision letter of the Kingdom of Aceh. Appointment letter called "Letter Tjap Sikureung" was submitted directly to Teuku Muhammad Djohan Alamsjah. In fact, at the time of his appointment, the young uleebalang 10 years old.
After the inauguration, while avoiding the coveted General van Heutz against the Sultan of Aceh hurried on his journey to the region Pasai, to reorganize his command headquarters. Sunguh ironic, Teuku Tjhik Sjamaun struggle against the Dutch colonialists fail in a short time. A few months after Teuku Tjhik Sjamaun died, uncle Teuku Djohan Tjhik Alamsjah the oldest named Teuku Maharadja Djeumpa self report (mel) to the Dutch'm at peace.
Like getting a windfall, General van Heutz immediately welcomed helping hand Teuku Djeumpa it. Dutch envoy came to meet Potjut Unggaih Iboh Pulo. Dutch consort uleebalang Peusangan persuade it to allow his son to be brought to Kutaradja schooled. Netherlands aims to educate young uleebalang by importance, the Dutch school. Dutch request was flatly refused, because Potjut Unggaih not want his son to be infidels. Dutch envoy repeatedly comes along with Teuku Djeumpa, persuade Potjut Unggaih.
After consultation with all companion taulannya, Potjut Unggaih reluctantly allowed his son brought the Dutch to Kutaradja, the center of Dutch rule in Aceh. Teuku Djohan Alamsjah mother filed a requirement. His son should be brought, but must be accompanied by a friend who also had disekolahkannya. Of course Dutch joyfully welcomed news this victory. Without the need bleeding again, Nanggroe Peusangan has been a friend of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
Friend is a word carved beautifully camouflaged the Dutch, the pronoun Acehnese surrender. Good to hear the Dutch, but the Acehnese felt bitter. Muhammad eventually departed Teuku Djohan Alamsjah to Kutaradja with a bodyguard and a friend named: Abdul Karim. Someday in the future, one of the sons of Abdul Karim was named Drs Adnan, government officials Medan, until October 2006 with the faithful still maintain Potjut Maimunah, one of Muhammad's daughter Tjhik Teuku Djohan Alamsjah already very old at his home in Jalan Sei Belutu Family Gang no. 55i, Medan. Strands of rope fidelity children of men are disconnected. And death came to pick up the grand duchess Aceh was on November 5, 2006 at 16:45 in London.
For the past 3 years Teuku Djohan Alamsjah with Muhammad Abdul Karim school teacher Djam People in Kutaradja. The Master, Muhammad Djam, the Minangkabau are very professional in their field. In private the two young men were educated and taught to Aceh patiently. The basic subjects are taught mainly math, reading and writing letters Latin, Malay, Dutch society socially etiquette, history and political science the Dutch East Indies.
Both young Acehnese welcomed the seriousness teacher. Both work hard and take over the whole of knowledge gained. Dutch Governor of Aceh, General van Heutz very satisfied with the performance of the Master Djam. To commemorate the services Master Muhammad Djam in education, the Dutch East Indies government in Aceh later named the school's upfront, the Master Muhammad Djam.
Teuku Chik Peusangan Family Together
After a period of education desired Netherlands, Teuku Muhammad Djohan Alamsjah and loyal friend and bodyguard escorted back to Nanggroe Peusangan. General van Heutz think young uleebalang Aceh has been quite successful dijinakkannya. To Teuku Muhammad entrusted Djohan Alamsjah back office uleebalang dipangkunya Peusangan the corresponding sarakata Sultan. In the performance of its duties this young uleebalang guided by his uncle, Teuku Djeumpa. At the bottom of this uncle who served as uleebalang Nanggroe Peusangan.
Teuku Djeumpa carefully started turning the wheels of government after the death of Nanggroe Peusangan Teuku Tjhik Sjamaun. To his nephew, M. Teuku Tjhik Djohan Alamsjah explained Peusangan position in the new political map Aceh. Although packaged in a string of beautiful words, that the Royal Netherlands friendly with Nanggroe Peusangan through Verklaaring Korte, does not mean Nanggroe Peusangan still full sovereignty as stated in the letter sarakata Cap Sikureung Sultan of Aceh. Militarily, Nanggroe Peusangan was defeated by the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Teuku Djeumpa also explained to Teuku Djohan Alamsjah, defeat-nanggroe uleebalang nanggroe other on the ground in Aceh only a matter of time. Openly against the Dutch resistance would sacrifice all the people both treasure maupu Peusangan lives, and how these should be avoided.
Muhammad Tjhik Teuku Djohan Alamsjah a young, sat mesmerized reflect the weak position of the State of Aceh deal with the Dutch. Young uleebalang with his uncle the wise conclusion, there is no other way except through the Netherlands to finish diplomatic approach. Thus, the young uleebalang determined to finish off the Dutch with the Dutch science itself. In the course of recorded history of Aceh, Muhammad Tjhik Teuku Djohan famous Alamsjah always be gentle and straightforward to anyone, either against the Dutch as the enemy and the people who defended Peusangan.
Until the end of his life, people assume Peusangan Teuku Djohan Alamsjah Tjhik Muhammad as his father, where shelter. Instead the Netherlands, as the enemy, consider this as uleebalang Peusangan friend. As uleebalang in the letter "Cap Sikureung" asserted that Muhammad Teuku Djohan Alamsjah with the rank Kejreuen entitled to take the results of the sea, land, and forests in the territory Peusangan. Offshore marine Nanggroe Peusangan really rich content of various types of fish. Fishermen Nanggroe Peusangan very happy when the sail comes. Abundant catches. As a mark of respect to uleebalangnya, the fisherman chooses some of the biggest fish heads. And the head of the fish selection is dedicated to uleebalangnya, Teuku Djohan Alamsjah Tjhik Muhammad. Offerings fishermen became enduring memories for large families uleebalang Peusangan against people until now.[